About The Company
G.I.T. Outfitters was born out of the chaos of the last several years with the purpose of re-instilling the common knowledge we once had as a society. Believe it or not, there was a time in our country when it was commonplace for families to have significant food storages on hand. But, a lot has changed in our society and advances in technology have helped to make our lives a lot easier. For many, longtime food storages were not as important when you can conveniently make a trip to the grocery store. But, reality has taught us something different
How It Started
Since the beginning of 2020 our country has experience several major events that have shown us how over reliant we’ve become on modern conveniences. The polar vortex that shut down the most of the country exposed the weaknesses of our power grid. Some of us were literally frozen in our own homes and couldn’t get to the grocery store – and if we did, either the shelves were empty or the power was out. For the first time in my life I heard our brave first responders say “we cannot come help you” because of dangerous weather or the pandemic. We experienced shutdown of the ENTIRE WORLD ECONOMY in 2020.
I was on paternity leave at the beginning of the pandemic so my family was somewhat unplugged to what was going on outside of our doors. We were enjoying the blessing of a new addition to our family and we literally spent that family time welcoming our third child into the world. I was so unplugged from my regular Talk Radio routine that I was shocked when I went to my local grocery store to pick up some supplies. There was no meat. No milk. No bread. I took pictures of the empty shelves and literally asked “what is going on.” Honestly, we were not ready for the shutdown. We were certainly in a better position than the majority of others – I grew up in Florida where we have a hurricane season every year and I’m a veteran. Because of the way I was raised as a child, and my training as an adult, there are certain items I will always have in my house, you simply must have at least 3 weeks of preparations in the event you are cut off without power. But, we were not ready for a shutdown of the complete supply chain. And amazingly, several years later our country is still experiencing major delays in the supply chain, empty shelves in our grocery stores are accepted as commonplace. No matter who you are, we all got a bitter taste of reality and most of us were forced to realize that we were not ready. It was a question from a close friend that was responsible for the creation of our first emergency first aid kit. He literally asked me a question that was geared towards self-defense and he wanted to know how to best protect his family. After a few questions I realized what he really needed was a real first aid kit and the resources for understanding how to use it. Since then it’s been our goal to help other young families understand what items they should have on hand in the event of an emergency. No matter where you live, the reality is “Life happens” and our goal is to help young families to be prepared. As we like to say, “We are not preparing for the end of the world or a zombie apocalypse. We’re preparing for everyday life by bringing Modern Preparedness to the Modern Family.”
It doesn’t matter if you’re concerned about power outages, hurricane season, or seasonal floods, our goal is to outfit your family with supplies and resources before the event occurs.
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